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5 Blog Monetization Strategies You Can Bank On

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Blog monetization strategies are simply methods of making money from your company blog. Yes, educating readers is important and a legitimate reason to post, but education alone isn’t enough to generate revenue and provide an adequate return on your investment. Even improved SEO rankings, which blogs are notoriously beneficial for, may not be enough to turn your posts into profit.

So, how do you create a company blog that sells? You monetize it.

And no, monetizing your blog isn’t just about money-grabbing. It allows you to reinvest in the content you’re creating so you can provide even more value to potential customers. Your readers benefit and you benefit (if you do it right).

As we all know, nothing comes for free. It takes time, energy, and resources to consistently post high-quality blog content that strengthens your online presence and appeals to your target market. With the right blog monetization strategies, you can feel better about allocating your marketing dollars to blogging and begin to reap the rewards of a profitable company blog.

Interested? Let’s get to the good stuff.

5 Blog Monetization Strategies You Can Bank On

1. Sell Digital Products

How can you offer a condensed, digital version of your product or service to your readers? This question will be essential as you navigate how to monetize your company blog. The secret here is to consider why your customers come to you in the first place.

Are you a science-backed beauty brand specializing in anti-aging skincare? Your customers likely come to you because they appreciate your commitment to proven results. You could create an exclusive video series that shares eye-opening data about what causes aging and the best lifestyle changes to prevent it.

Your readers would likely be happy to pay a small fee for access to such an enlightening, evidence-based series.

Creativity is key, of course. Whatever your niche is, you’ll want to narrow down exactly what it is your customers like most about your brand. From there, your options are endless. E-books, webinars, apps, printable workbooks, audio files— there are countless digital products your target audience may be willing to purchase from you. 

2. Offer Sponsored Posts

You can also make money blogging by promoting like-minded brands that align with your greater marketing strategy. 

Let’s say you are an athletic apparel company. You could allow a popular fitness coach to sponsor one of your blog posts. The benefit to the fitness coach is that you’d link to their website (great for SEO) and they’d be promoting their product to a new audience of ideal customers.

The benefit for you? Well, aside from the sponsorship fee, you’d be providing value-adding content to your readers, as well as establishing a business partnership that could lead to future opportunities. 

Remember, you can earn anywhere between $75-$5,000 per sponsored post (depending on the number of unique visitors your business blog receives per month).

3. Build a Lead Funnel

Almost every profitable company blog is supported by a strong lead funnel. Why? Because readers themselves don’t make you money, with the exception of page view advertisements (but you need thousands of views per month to make these worthwhile).

If your readers complete an email opt-in, though, they instantly become more valuable. Consumers who purchase products through email spend 138% more than those who simply search the web, and email marketing has an ROI of 3,800%— so turning your readers into subscribers benefits you enormously.

The key to this blog monetization strategy is to come up with a compelling reason for your readers to give you their email address. Offering a free 14-day trial, a discount code, or an entry to an exciting giveaway are all ideas that could entice your readers to sign up.

4. Invest in Conversion Optimization

In order to run a company blog that sells, your entire blog will need to be strategically optimized to increase conversions. 

There are many ways to do this, but a few of the most important techniques include:

  • Ensuring your best content appears “above the fold” on your website (so the viewer can read it without having to scroll)

  • Using action-oriented button text

  • Placing CTA buttons above the fold

  • Using directional cues

  • Minimizing form fields

  • Utilizing auto-fill form fields

  • Including a progress bar on your contact page

  • Adding trust seals to check out pages

Conversion optimization is all about making the purchasing process as seamless as possible for your customers. The more optimized your posts are, the more you’ll benefit from blog content that drives sales.

5. Add a Chatbot

When a potential customer has a question about your product or service, they typically want an answer ASAP. And since that question could be the only thing standing in the way of them making a purchase you want to ensure they get the information they need. Chatbots are a convenient and effective way to solve this problem.

Chatbots can be completely customized, allowing you to control when and where your chatbot shows up on your site. You can also pre-set messages based on a number of triggers, so each viewer enjoys a personalized interaction. 

Last but not least, chatbots gather information about your reader, such as their IP address, location, and email, allowing you to gain more insight into who is visiting your blog. 

Chatbots can even be used to promote special offers, provide promo codes, and a wide range of other cool functions.

And my favorite part? Chatbots are one of the easiest blog monetization strategies to implement. Platforms like Chatbox and SendinBlue make set-up a breeze and most providers even offer a free plan.

How I Can Help

Blogging Services That Bring Results

I provide my clients with blog content that drives sales, ensuring each post is optimized to successfully support their greater marketing goals. I dig deep into the desired outcomes my clients are hoping to achieve before putting together a personalized plan to help them establish a profitable company blog that will serve them for years to come.

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